Public unsupervised for-fee parking in Tallinn breaks down into the following parking zones: City Centre, Downtown, Old Town and Pirita. Parking zones...
EST RUS European City of the Trees (ECOT) is an annual award which the European Arboricultural Council (EAC) hands over to a city for its commitment...
The following districts or day centres of districts organise the catering for people in need: Kesklinn, Põhja-Tallinn, Lasnamäe, Mustamäe, Kristiine...
EST / RUS As a result of an energy price increase, the state will start paying energy subsidies to households with low or medium income. The subsidy...
Haabersti District Administration Ehitajate tee 109a/1 Phone: 6404815, e-mail: Reception hours: Mo 09:00–12:00 14:00–17:30...