Ümera Kindergarten of Tallinn located in Lasnamäe. Our address is: Ümera, 9 Tallinn 13413 Estonia Phone: 635 6806, 635 7533 e-mail: ymera@la.tln.edu...
Lasnamäe Basic School Ümera 46 13816 Tallinn Secretary Viktoria Buklova +372 6-356-775 lpk@lpk.tln.edu.ee Principal Milena Pogodajeva +372 6-356-775...
Education-related services aimed at young people : A place in a school for students The guaranteeing of student places for children attending grades 1...
Main contact of the Communication Department: kommunikatsioon@tallinnlv.ee Karin Veskimäe, Head of Communication 5886 0444, karin.veskimae@tallinnlv...
Educational activities in extra-curricular activity schools are based on curricula approved by the Ministry of Education and Research. Deep learning...
The presentation of the changes to the public transport network took place in the city districts according to the following timetable: 9 September at...