Huge changes have taken place in all spheres of life in Tallinn during the last decade. These are mainly the trends that have established a favourable...
Startup Garage and TalTech Startup Centre invite you to participate in the new IGNITER business idea development program where you can make your sparking ideas ignite to a functioning business.
Government of Tallinn corporate telephone directory (Find city officials by name or through administration structure) City Office service bureau - 640...
The soup kitchen service is for people who do not have sufficient means to provide food for themselves and their families. The purpose of this service...
The Tallinn Maritime Days are a diverse and exciting summer festival. All harbours have children’s areas, shopping streets, fish areas, concert areas...
Municipal solid waste is household waste left over from separate collection or sorting residue. Things that go into municipal solid waste: Greasy and...
Estonia has been named an Innovation Champion by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), a prestigious recognition celebrating the nation’s leading role as the most advanced digital society fostering technological innovation, economic growth, e-government and social progress. This honor places Estonia among the top 25 countries worldwide that provide the most welcoming environments for innovation.