Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
Have you noticed how our city is getting cosier, more comfortable and greener? Many of the developments have been made possible thanks to various international projects that help make Tallinn more sustainable and improve the quality of everyday life.
Do you need advice on establishing or developing a business? Are you looking for new ideas and knowledge about what’s happening in the business world...
Childcare support is intended for the parent and is reflected as a discount on the invoices submitted by the childcare service provider. The grant can...
Flu cases have been increasingly common this season, and in some instances, the illness can have severe consequences. Tallinn invites everyone to protect their health. On January 17, several vaccination points across the city will be open for flu vaccinations.
NB! Our centre has relocated to a new address – Endla 8 , 10122 Tallinn (Endla Street 8, see map here ). Opening hours: Mon 9:00–18:00 Tue & Thu 9:00...
Tallinn has launched a program offering free educational excursions for school classes and kindergarten groups to city cultural institutions. Each group is eligible for one free visit per year. The initiative aims to expand access to cultural life for children and young people in Tallinn and is available to all local kindergartens, general education schools, and vocational schools.