2023/2024 õppeaastal toimuvad meie lasteaias järgmised huviringid Spordiring SEPPS Info ja registreerimine: www.sepps.eu Toimumise aeg: Kolmapäev: 16...
On January 24, Tallinn Mayor Jevgeni Ossinovski participated in the 14th EU Capitals Mayors and European Commission Summit in Warsaw. The meeting focused on increasing EU funding for capitals and improving coordination of civil protection plans.
The city’s development strategy Tallinn 2035 describes the future of Tallinn that the entire city government is working towards. City culture plays an...
This year, Tallinn will once again welcome the New Year with a concert and light show, skipping fireworks. On the night of December 31 and into the early hours of January 1, public transport on the city's main routes will run later to help everyone get home safely and comfortably.
This year, Tallinn will welcome the new year with a concert and light show, foregoing fireworks as part of the celebration. On New Year’s Eve, January 1, early hours, several lines will run longer to ensure partygoers can get home using public transport.
Starting in the fall of 2025, five schools transitioning to Estonian-language education in Tallinn will, for the first time, open classes where instruction is conducted at the mother-tongue level of Estonian. These classes are offered through citywide enrollment, meaning children are not automatically assigned to these classes. The decision to enroll a child in one of these classes rests with the parents.