Haabersti District Administration Ehitajate tee 109a/1 Phone: 6404815, e-mail: kaire.luhaaar@tallinnlv.ee Reception hours: Mo 09:00–12:00 14:00–17:30...
Supporting social welfare activities (easing the livelihoods of children and families with children, people with disabilities, the elderly and other...
Sporting facilities: Track and field arena, rock climbing, acrobatics corner. In the Lasnamäe Indoor Athletics Stadium is a full-scale football field...
Food aid is supplied to war refugees registering at the Tallinn reception centre (Niine 2) who have difficulties in providing food for themselves and...
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
Phase I of Tallinn Transport Department’s renewal of the public transport network Tallinn started renewing its public transport network in the summer...