CITY of Tallinn at MIPIM Home CITY of Tallinn at MIPIM Tallinn Strategic Management Office is inviting entrepreneurs to participate in the international real estate, investment and smart solutions Trade...
Paper and cardboard Home Waste and recycling Separate waste collection Paper and cardboard Paper and cardboard waste must be collected separately from other waste! Paper and cardboard can be recycled as material if it is collected dry and...
Bulky waste Home Waste and recycling Separate waste collection Bulky waste Bulky waste is large waste that cannot be placed in a waste container due to its weight or volume. The place for bulky waste is not among household...
Construction waste Home Waste and recycling Separate waste collection Construction waste Construction and demolition waste is waste generated during the construction, demolition, renovation or restoration of buildings or their parts...
Voting procedures Home European Parliament Elections 2024 Voting procedures The voter receives a ballot paper from the electoral committee when voting (except e-voting). When voting at home (or at their location), custodial...
Ongoing detours on public transport routes from 01.09 to 31.10.24 Home Public transport Ongoing detours on public transport routes from 01.09 to 31.10.24 Ongoing detours on Tallinn public transport routes from 01.09 to 31.10.24 Due to the construction of the Old Harbour tramway, the detours will...
General info Home General info TALLINNA LIIVALAIA KINDERGARTEN Liivalaia 7 Tallinn 10118 Contact: TELEPHONE 6 461 449 E-MAIL:
Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau Home Tallinn City Tourist Office & Convention Bureau Development Tourism statistics in Tallinn and development overviews Licensing of accommodation facilities Participation in licensing of guides...
Church renaissance in Tallinn Home Heritage protection and scenic districts Church renaissance in Tallinn Throughout the centuries, church has shaped people’s mental and physical environment. However, people need a mainstay even in today’s constantly...