As of 4 pm yesterday, 10,026 Ukrainian war refugees, 42% of whom are minors, have been registered at the Tallinn reception centre opened on 2 March at Niine Street.
During the snowiest winter in a decade, nearly 595,200 cubic metres or 39,680 truckloads of snow were removed from Tallinn. The city spent a total of nearly €4.3 million to remove snow from roads and streets in the 2021/22 season.
The Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department released a warning that the city's streets may become exceptionally slippery due to falling temperatures.
Tallinn Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart is in Helsinki today to meet Mayor Juhana Vartiainen on the issue of twin-city cooperation. The two mayors will sign a new Tallinn-Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding and agree on joint priorities for action.
Today, 5 April, Tallinn City Youth Council addressed Deputy Mayor of Tallinn Andrei Novikov with a proposal to open night-time public transport services in Tallinn on weekends. According to Novikov, the proposal was certainly worth considering.
As Tallinn’s public transport is transitioning over to more environmentally friendly natural gas powered buses, the city transport company Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) is auctioning 36 diesel-powered city buses.
In the field of urban planning in Tallinn, the focus for the coming year will be on the strategic plan for urban space and the preparation of a general plan for the City Centre as well as maintaining historical buildings in the historic downtown.
Altering weather conditions have led to the yearly problem of potholes, so Tallinn is calling for reports to be sent to or to the Municipal Police hotline 14410.