At the international technology and start-up conference Latitude59, taking place in Tallinn from today, Tallinn showcases itself as a green global city characterised by sustainable, eco-friendly and balanced development.
Tallinn as the lead partner of Global Goals for Cities (GG4C) network presented to international partner cities their work on sustainability through the Tallinn 2035 strategy.
Don't just let spring break pass you by, find out what fun activities Tallinn has to offer. In the Botanic Garden you can get acquainted with the (micro)world of plants, in Miiamilla you can learn fun facts in the "Fart Stories" workshops and in the City Museum you can meet bedbugs and dragons. We will be getting smart through games at the Kaja Cultural Centre and queens will be screaming at the Central Library.
The Tallinn City Government decided to create a Ukraine Square in Lembitu Park in the centre of Tallinn. City institutions have been tasked with preparing the formal process of establishing the new place name and an urban spatial solution.
This week Tallinn hosted the European Green Capital (EGC) Troika network meeting. 14 guests from Lahti and Grenoble visited Tallinn to learn about our plans for the European Green Capital year 2023. There have been regular meetings online, but this was the first time the three cities network met in real life.
The organisers of the Birgitta Festival presented the highlights of the festival, which will take place from 6 to 14 August. Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni" and Sibelius's music for the play "Tempest" will be staged in the ruins of Pirita Convent, Finnish productions of "Black Monk" and "Uniko", and a new work, the opera "Lalli", begun by Veljo Tormis and completed by Rasmus Puur.
The Tallinn European Green Capital 2023 bureau opened an exhibition on Tallinn's biodiversity in Tammsaare Park, which will remain open until the end of May. The exhibition highlights Tallinn's more special and unusual species and their habitats.
The Tallinn Environment and Public Works Department and the Kristiine district government will present the project for the reconstruction of the Tondi and Kotka streets intersection at a public consultation near the Tondi railway station (Tondi 21a) on Wednesday, 30 March at 6 pm.