The service is provided to people residing in Tallinn with visual impairments. We offer two types of services: Psychosocial group work to improve your...
Video: Innovation in Tallinn World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile...
Martin Goroško: Tehnopol Head of Business Development Martin Goroško is the Head of Business Development at Science and Business Park Tehnopol and a...
Tallinn arendab lähiaastatel ühistransporti ja linnaruumi. Üks suur projekt on Pelguranna uus trammiliin, mis parandab kohalike elanike liikumisvõimalusi ja aitab kaasa keskkonnasõbraliku linnaruumi arengule.
AS Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) operated more than 600 public transport vehicles in 2024, covering nearly 36 million kilometers and serving approximately 130 million passengers. On average, there were 355,000 trips per day by buses, trams, and trolleybuses.
Presentations: The following materials are in Estonian 7th of October, Knowledge Acquisition Day: Presentation by Ivo Krustok on "Climate Change and...