The Management Board must submit a petition application for the registration in the Commercial Register within six months of concluding the Foundation...
Ibiot's solution envisages the installation of sensors in waste containers, which would then allow the waste transport operator to change the emptying...
From 1 January 2020, non-profit organisations in Tallinn, including settlement unions and private schools, can apply for project grants to carry out...
Surveys conducted among conference organizers and delegates, commissioned by the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency (EIS), revealed that international conference visitors spend an average of €1,127 per trip in Tallinn. In total, an estimated €42 million was generated for the city.
The Tallinn Property Department is proposing the initiation of a new detailed plan for Linnahall and its surrounding area to develop the site into a modern event venue and open the city to the sea, in line with the goals of the maritime vision and the broader development of the port area.
The People's Assembly is guided by the following values: democracy for all; in a democracy, the people are the supreme authority; democracy is for all...