Chernobyl veterans living in Tallinn can benefit from three services per calendar year at the city's expense: rehabilitation treatment up to 250 euros...
The NPO Kesklinna Perenõustamiskeskus and Tallinn Family Centre offer free family therapy to residents of Tallinn. You can come alone or with family...
The KiVa anti-bullying program, implemented in Tallinn's municipal schools in 2024, has shown commendable results in reducing bullying. Data collected confirms that the level of bullying in Tallinn’s schools is significantly lower compared to other Estonian schools participating in the KiVa program.
Consultation concerning the availability, accuracy and data sources etc. of the space data in Tallin Spatial Database (TAR). Use this service if you...
Tallinn supports cultural events taking place in the city through various open application rounds so that our cultural calendar can remain versatile...