NO MORE APPLICATIONS FOR BIO-WASTE HOME COMPOSTERS CAN BE SUBMITTED. 700 applications have been received and there are no more composters. According...
Useful links: Tallinn’s common visual identity Tallinn’s logo files and how to use them Applying for a public event permit: To organise a public event...
Tourism in Tallinn grew by 7% last year, reaching 3.18 million international visits. Overnight stays in the city’s accommodation establishments totaled 3.31 million, marking the highest figure on record. More visitors are choosing to stay longer in Tallinn—nearly 60% of foreign guests opted to stay overnight. Among the top markets, the largest relative growth in overnight stays was seen in Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Asian markets.
Spatial planning procedures and timelines Abb: DP - detailed plan for a project DUP - Department of Urban Planning EXECUTIVE BODY PROCEDURE DURATION...
The Tallinn Philharmonic Society is a concert organisation located in Tallinn Old Town in the historic House of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads on...