2023/2024 õppeaastal toimuvad meie lasteaias järgmised huviringid Spordiring SEPPS Info ja registreerimine: www.sepps.eu Toimumise aeg: Kolmapäev: 16...
Here you will find the counselling and rehabilitation services and therapy options for drug users and their loved ones. Counselling services for HIV...
As of May 1, 2024, Tallinn updated its procedure for allocating municipal housing to ensure that housing is provided to those who need it most within a reasonable timeframe. Municipal housing is a temporary support measure designed to assist residents and their families facing difficulties for a specific period.
Ongoing snowfall has mobilized over 170 maintenance vehicles on Tallinn's streets, with snow removal and anti-slip measures continuing around the clock. Nevertheless, caution is advised as winter weather creates challenging road conditions.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND DUTIES Before you get in the taxi cab, read the information about the taxi fares displayed on the window of the right rear door...