On Tuesday 28 March, AS Tallinna Vesi will be switching the water supply for the district of Nõmme to the drinking water from the Ülemiste water treatment plant for a period of 12 hours. The purpose of this test is to map out opportunities to ensure the water supply for the people and businesses of Nõmme in the event that the district suffers a wide-scale blackout and its well pump stations cannot supply them with water.
At the beginning of the summer, Tallinn opened fourteen school stadiums and sports grounds for public use, at least one in each district. From Friday 15 July, the Mustjõe Secondary School stadium in Haabersti district, located at Paldiski mnt 83, will be added to the list. In addition, four sports fields managed by the Tallinn Culture and Sports Department are open for public.
The speed limits will be lowered on Tallinn's streets to ensure safer traffic. The maximum speed allowed will be 30 km/h on a number of inner district roads and 40 km/h on some of the larger streets in the city centre.
The proposed health trail in the Sütiste forest park on the border of Nõmme and Mustamäe will not be built. Further development of the Sütiste forest will be decided by the property's manager, the Estonian Environmental Board.
Saturday, 20 August marks thirty-one years since Estonia regained its independence. To celebrate this, a wide range of free concerts and family days will be held across Tallinn.
Every summer, Tallinn renews the road markings around educational institutions to make children's journeys to school or kindergarten safer and drivers more attentive to small pedestrians. This summer, 324 pedestrian crossings around schools and 413 around kindergartens were updated, and on 1 September, police and municipal police officers will also help to ensure safety.
To promote separate collection of bio-waste, the City of Tallinn will provide residents of detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses and two-apartment houses with home composters and collection containers on preferential terms. Applications will be accepted from 15 September until composters and bins are available.
A total of 415 ideas for improving city life in the coming year were submitted by Tallinn citizens to the Tallinn participatory budget call for ideas, with the highest number of proposals intended to improve the areas of youth, sports and leisure.