Important telephone numbers
Government of Tallinn corporate telephone directory (Find city officials by name or through administration structure) City Office service bureau - 640...
Tallinn Science Parks
There are 2 Science Parks available in Tallinn: Tehnopol Technopolis Ülemiste Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol is a research and business campus that is...
For additional information, please contact: CITY OF TALLINN Tallinn Strategic Management Office Kaarli pst 1 / Roosikrantsi 2 10119, Tallinn Estonia...
ICT Cluster
IT is everywhere Cluster overview: Estonian ICT cluster is a collaboration platform for enterprises, created to boost the development of new products...
Kalev I ja Kalev II terminal Bus: 5, 14, 18, 20, 20A, 36 Tram: 3 ja 4 During the morning rush hour, there are 40 departures per hour from the terminal...
About Tallinn city administration
Tallinn, a major port of long standing, has become a bridge between East and West. Estonians and Tallinners are people with a strong tradition and...
The Old Zoo in Kadriorg
Aastatel 1939–1983 paiknes Lasnamäe paekaldal ning selle jalamil Kadrioru pargi äärealal Tallinna Loomaaed.
Population register
Registration of residence E-citizen – check your data in the population register and other state registers: Citizen portal Persons who have an...