Ilo Park Home Ilo Park Ilo Park is located at 4 Vabaduse Blvd. and runs along the Vabaduse Blvd. Ilo Park has a children’s playground and basketball ground, several nice...
Colleges and universities Home Colleges and universities Tallinn has the potential to become renowned as a town with a relatively educated population where employers can find qualified and resourceful...
Customers requiring disabled access Home Customers requiring disabled access Customers requiring disabled access are provided with facilities to perform acts of marital status (incl civil marriage ceremony) or vital records in...
Family physicians in Tallinn: Home Family physicians in Tallinn: Starting from 2013, general medical care is organised by the Health Board. An overview of the service areas of family physicians working in Tallinn...
Church renaissance in Tallinn Home Heritage protection and scenic districts Church renaissance in Tallinn Throughout the centuries, church has shaped people’s mental and physical environment. However, people need a mainstay even in today’s constantly...
Tallinn City Departments Home Tallinn City Departments City Property Department Freedom Square 10 10146 Tallinn Phone: 640 4517, 640 4500 E-mail: Website:
Paper and cardboard Home Waste and recycling Separate waste collection Paper and cardboard Paper and cardboard waste must be collected separately from other waste! Paper and cardboard can be recycled as material if it is collected dry and...