Tallinn is ready to offer children and youth who have fled the war in Ukraine the opportunity to continue their education in primary, general and vocational education.
Tallinn is participating with a joint stand of Estonian enterprises at the world's leading real estate market event, MIPIM 2022, in Cannes, France, from 15-18 March.
People living in Tallinn according to the population register will be able to dispose of bulky waste such as furniture, bicycles and prams free of charge at the city's waste stations.
A school for children of Ukrainian war refugees opened in Tallinn on 11 April as a branch of Tallinn's Lilleküla Secondary School. On the first day, 67 pupils started studying there, with three more children joining by the end of the week.
The Tallinn City Government sent a supplementary budget to the City Council, which will increase the salaries of people working in the city's institutions by seven per cent from 1 March. Kindergarten and hobby school teachers will receive a 7.4% pay rise, while kindergarten assistant teachers will get a 13.3% pay rise.
As of 4 pm yesterday, 10,026 Ukrainian war refugees, 42% of whom are minors, have been registered at the Tallinn reception centre opened on 2 March at Niine Street.
During the snowiest winter in a decade, nearly 595,200 cubic metres or 39,680 truckloads of snow were removed from Tallinn. The city spent a total of nearly €4.3 million to remove snow from roads and streets in the 2021/22 season.
Tallinn Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart completed his visit to Lviv, Ukraine at the invitation of Mayor Andrei Sadovy, to meet with city government and to learn about the situation of refugees. In the coming days, a humanitarian aid shipment from Tallinn will also be sent to Lviv.
The Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department released a warning that the city's streets may become exceptionally slippery due to falling temperatures.