A publication called The Merchant’s ABC has been issued as an aid for people opening stores or eateries in Tallinn. The publication provides a short...
Law, Order and Consumer Protection Commission The Law, Order and Consumer Protection Commission is involved in working with fire fighting and rescue...
Green Office Organisation recognised with the Green Office certificate (office building at Paldiski mnt 48a, incl. the Tallinn Welfare and Health Care...
The installation of outside advertisements in heritage conservation areas and on monuments must be approved by the Tallinn Urban Planning Department’s...
The Russian Cultural Centre is located at Mere pst 5. In 1954, a building with Neo-Classical columns was built over the ruins left by the war and the...
A new and fascinating permanent photo exhibition, "The Skyscraper of Freedom Square" (Vabadusplatsi pilvelõhkuja), is now open in the service hall of Tallinn City Hall. The exhibition takes visitors on a journey through time, exploring the history of Tallinn’s landmark building and Freedom Square. It highlights the development of metropolitan architecture in the early 20th century and showcases the city’s transformation into a growing and modernizing capital.
Tallinna Vesi will install a stormwater drainage system, Utilitas will upgrade the district heating network, and the city will widen sidewalks, implement traffic-calming measures, and reconstruct street lighting. The goal of these upgrades is to make Salme Street more accessible and safer, particularly for children and the elderly.