The Tallinn City Government has adopted a regulation amending the procedure for issuing permits for vehicle access to the pedestrian area of Tallinn Old Town.
On the order of the Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department, the construction of a pedestrian and cycling path, linking the Lasnamäe cycle route to the city centre, started on 28 June. In the first stage, a section of the road will be created from Tondiraba Park to Vana-Kuuli street. The contractual deadline for the cycling path is November 2022.
In the first half of July, traffic arrangements will change in the areas of Rannamäe tee, Põhja puiestee and Kalasadama street in Põhja-Tallinn, and Toompuiestee in the city centre.
The Rescue Board, in cooperation with the Environmental Board and the Põhja-Tallinn District Government, is cleaning up the pollution of old heavy fuel oil discovered in the central part of Stroomi beach. Until the beach is inspected and cleaned up, swimming on Stroomi beach is strictly not recommended. Going into the water is at swimmers’ own risk.
At the beginning of the summer, Tallinn opened fourteen school stadiums and sports grounds for public use, at least one in each district. From Friday 15 July, the Mustjõe Secondary School stadium in Haabersti district, located at Paldiski mnt 83, will be added to the list. In addition, four sports fields managed by the Tallinn Culture and Sports Department are open for public.
The Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department has launched a call for tenders to seek contract partners for the maintenance of main roads and road facilities, public transport stops and roadside green areas for the next seven years. The new contracts are aimed to improve the quality of maintenance in both summer and winter.
The speed limits will be lowered on Tallinn's streets to ensure safer traffic. The maximum speed allowed will be 30 km/h on a number of inner district roads and 40 km/h on some of the larger streets in the city centre.
From Friday, 15 July until 14 September, passengers may travel free of charge in Mustamäe by self-driving shuttle on the inner district roads between Mustamäe tee, Tammsaare tee and Ehitajate tee.
The Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals (ESPA) and the Tallinn Urban Environmental and Public Works Department are organising yet another international conference of animal welfare, taking place on 8 September 2022 in Tallinn Teachers' House (Raekoja plats 14). This year’s conference focuses on exotic animals and helping animals in during war. Among the speakers are specialists from the United States, Ukraine, Estonia and other European countries.
From August 1, 2022, applications for "Bike to School" support can be submitted in Tallinn. A one-time subsidy of up to 100 euros is intended for the purchase of a bicycle for children aged 10–15 who have received their cyclist driving licenses this year, i.e. in 2022.