This year, Tallinn is providing residents with free legal advice during 17 consultation days scheduled across all districts. In February, consultation days are on the 22nd, from 2 pm to 6 pm at the Nõmme District Government and on the 29th, from 9 am to 2 pm at the Haabersti District Government.
Construction on the Old City Harbor tramway will continue on March 4, and construction at the Tondi railway crossing will begin on March 15. The continuation of construction work will lead to changes in traffic and public transport routes.
The City of Tallinn is planning the reconstruction of Ristiku and Härjapea streets to transform the existing street space into a modern, greener, and more inclusive urban area. A public presentation of the landscaping solution for Ristiku Street will take place on Thursday, February 29, at 5:30 p.m. at Pelgulinna Gümnaasium (Mulla 7).
Construction work on the Old City Harbour tramway resumes today in the city centre, resulting in traffic management changes around the Linnahall intersection and Ahtri Street. Traffic regulators will manage critical intersections. Several bus lines are rerouted starting today, while tram lines No. 1, 2, and 5 will operate as usual until the evening of May 3.
The City of Tallinn offers residents free legal advice on consultation days scheduled in each district. The next consultation days will be held on March 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pirita District Government and on March 21 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Põhja-Tallinn District Government.
The City of Tallinn, in collaboration with partners, aims to establish a non-profit organization that will coordinate the activities of the Kopli volunteer fire brigade. The goal is to support the fulfillment of duties assigned to the fire department in the city, especially in Põhja-Tallinn. If the City Council supports the plan, the volunteer fire brigade will begin operations as early as April.
The City of Tallinn, as part of its 2020-2030 education strategy, aims to modernize the entire network of schools and kindergartens by 2030. This year, the city is investing over 38 million euros in the renovation of kindergartens.
Next summer, a new beach building with an observation deck will be built at Stroomi Beach. The plan is to construct a temporary wooden modular house that can be utilized elsewhere upon the completion of a permanent solution.
The City of Tallinn provides residents with free legal advice on designated consultation days scheduled in each district. The next sessions are set for April 4 from 13.00 to 18.00 at the City Centre Social Center and April 18 from 14.00 to 18.00 at the Õismäe vaba aja keskus (Õismäe Recreation Center).