Dentists in Tallinn (contact information for dental clinics) Read more: Contractual partners – contractual partners of dentists on the webpage of the...
The Tallinn Municipal Police Department supervises unkempt pavements, slippery roads and hazardous icicles. Contact the Tallinn helpline on 14410 or...
You can find the requirements and obligations of bike taxi drivers here. You can also learn about the requirements for bicycles that can provide bike...
The Tallinn City Museum is both a museum in a medieval merchant house introducing the history of Tallinn as well as an umbrella organisation uniting...
Tallinn’s year as the European Capital of Sport in 2025 brings a sports program offering residents the opportunity to explore various sports throughout the year. January is dedicated to skiing, and on January 18, the Song Festival Grounds will host a skiing day, followed by the festive opening of the sports year.
Tallinn aims to enhance residents' environmental awareness and biodiversity through community initiatives and collaboration by supporting urban gardening and environmental projects. This year, a total of €458,000 will be distributed across three funding rounds.
Väino Olev, ICT Director , or Phone +372 640 4322 Helen Kovask, International Relations Officer, Or...