Tallinn is participating with a joint stand of Estonian enterprises at the world's leading real estate market event, MIPIM 2022, in Cannes, France, from 15-18 March.
Today, 22 March, at 12 noon, the Tallinn Social Work Centre opened the exhibition "My Bear" in the service bureau of the Tallinn City Office (Vabaduse väljak 7), featuring the joint creations of the Centre's clients and staff.
As Tallinn’s public transport is transitioning over to more environmentally friendly natural gas powered buses, the city transport company Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) is auctioning 36 diesel-powered city buses.
From March, visitors will be able to visit Tallinn’s museums for free on the first Sunday of every month. The Museum Sundays with free admission is a practice common to many cities in the world.
Tallinn's transport priorities for the coming year are to increase public transport drivers' salaries, introduce 150 new gas buses as well as to carry out preparations for the renewal of the public transport network and the tender for eight new trams.
Construction work for the construction of Tondiraba Park in Lasnamäe will start in March. The park will become the largest recreation area in the capital, which will provide plenty of space for both people and nature.
The Swedish Crown Princess Victoria, who is on a two-day visit to Helsingborg, visited the urban innovation area during the H22 City Expo festival and selected the pavilions of Tallinn, Linz and Oslo for the visit.
The city of Tallinn has drawn up a plan for the development of public water supply and sewerage that sets the course for the development of Tallinn's water sector for the next 12 years. The public discussion of the development plan will take place on 25 April at 5:30pm at the Tallinn Presentation Centre (Vabaduse väljak 7, first floor). Feedback on the development plan can be given until 4 May 2023.
On 24 April, the restoration works of public transport stops will begin in Tallinn, during which the asphalt concrete and concrete coverings of bus stops will be renovated, broken curb stones will be replaced and well covers will be fixed up. During the restoration works, 15 bus stops will be repaired.