2023/2024 õppeaastal toimuvad meie lasteaias järgmised huviringid Spordiring SEPPS Info ja registreerimine: www.sepps.eu Toimumise aeg: Kolmapäev: 16...
Municipal solid waste is household waste left over from separate collection or sorting residue. Things that go into municipal solid waste: Greasy and...
Staying in Estonia How long can I stay in Estonia? As of 9 March 2022, Ukrainian citizens and their family members who have come to Estonia because of...
Tallinn is proposing changes to electric car parking regulations in the city center. Under the new plan, only electric car owners or responsible users registered as Tallinn residents in the Population Register would be eligible for free parking. The new rule, which requires approval by the City Council, is set to take effect on July 1, 2025.