Allocating grants for non-profit making activities for cultural projects Home Service Allocating grants for non-profit making activities for cultural projects Tallinn supports cultural events taking place in the city through various open application rounds so that our cultural calendar can remain versatile...
Collection route for hazardous waste and reusable items Home Collection route for hazardous waste and reusable items For two consecutive weekends (14–15 May and 21–22 May), the residents of Tallinn once again have a convenient opportunity to dispose of hazardous...
Pelguaed allotment garden construction and follow-up activities in urban gardening Home Pelguaed allotment garden construction and follow-up activities in urban gardening What is Pelguaed allotment garden? The creation of the Pelguaed allotment garden is a new concept for Tallinn. The garden with a modern design will...
A new vision for Linnahall area Home A new vision for Linnahall area The City of Tallinn introduced a new vision for the area surrounding Linnahall today, aiming to initiate a discussion about the future of the area...
Councelling commission for children whith special needs Home Special education Councelling commission for children whith special needs Tallinn Counselling Commission is an advisory body to Tallinn Education Departement whose goal is to determine an appropriate program of study for...
Business Districts and Innovation Campuses Home Business Districts and Innovation Campuses Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol The aim of this research and business campus is to contribute to the launch and growth of world-class technology...
Support for separating parents Home Service Support for separating parents If the parents’ relationship as a couple has gotten worse or ended, usually their relationship as parents remains. Parents have a responsibility to...
Video system for traffic Home Service Video system for traffic Organisation and development of video monitoring system (online cameras on intersections and online cameras in parks and online travel cameras) for...
Information for young people Home Service Information for young people The aim of the service of informing young people is to collect and disseminate information, that is necessary for developing activities, to young...