Below is an overview of Tallinn’s scenic areas by district. The descriptions of each scenic area include a map of the area showing the borders of the...
One of the main objectives for Tallinn city budget for 2022 is a comfortable and safe urban space, which includes investment in cycle paths and making streets more pedestrian-friendly. Two new green corridors will also be launched.
On Tallinn Day, May 15, the traditional washing of the city streets will take place, which also marks the finish of this year’s Urban Maintenance Month. The street sweepers will start moving from Pirita road towards the city centre at 8 am.
The Tallinn City Government has submitted to the City Council for approval a cooperation agreement between the City of Tallinn and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications to allow the development of the Rail Baltic Ülemiste passenger terminal to proceed.
One of the priorities in Tallinn's 2024 budget is the development of a comfortable and safe urban space, which includes investments in transportation infrastructure and making streets more pedestrian-friendly. The city budget has allocated over 47.5 million euros for the reconstruction and major repairs of roads and streets. Key projects for the coming year include the reconstruction of Peterburi maantee and Lastekodu Street, the construction of pedestrian tunnels on Paldiski maantee, the reconstruction of the Kadaka viaduct, and the construction of the first phase of Pollinator Highway green corridor.
From December 27-29, Pae Street will see essential water and sewer pipeline construction near the property of Pae Street 2. During these dates, the affected street section will be closed to traffic. As a result, bus lines 7, 13, 50, and 58 will undergo temporary route adjustments. In addition, construction works will necessitate the closure of one lane on Peterburi maantee.
The Tallinn City Government has submitted a budget proposal for 2024 to the City Council, totaling 1.26 billion euros, marking an increase of 79.5 million euros or 6.7 percent compared to the revised 2023 budget.