Members of the City Property Commission 1 Leonid Mihhailov - Chairman 2 Deniss Boroditš – Vice-Chairman 3 Peep Aaviksoo 4 Maria Beljatskaja 5 Nikolai...
Presentations: The following materials are in Estonian 7th of October, Knowledge Acquisition Day: Presentation by Ivo Krustok on "Climate Change and...
The Intelligent Community Forum is a global network of cities and regions with a think tank at its center. Its mission is to help communities in the...
The Mayor of Tallinn is Jevgeni Ossinovski . Deputy Mayors: Viljar Jaamu , Deputy Mayor for City Property Aleksei Jašin , Deputy Mayor for Education...
Although it is still restricted to organise events, there are many ways in Tallinn to celebrate a joyful and memorable Mother's Day. Already from tomorrow, May 7, you can listen to web concerts and visit exhibitions; museums, the Zoo and the Botanical Garden are open.
The upcoming Sunday is International Mothers' Day and to celebrate, people can visit a series of concerts in the open air and in concert halls, as well as workshops and fairs taking place in Tallinn.