The City of Tallinn values districts with unique historical and cultural elements that play an important role in enriching the urban space, creating...
City of Tallinn in partnership with Enterprise Estonia and Estonian companies participated in the leading real estate event for property prefessionals...
The City Archives are located on Tolli Street, on the northern edge of the Old Town near St. Olaf’s Church (see the Tallinn digital map at /eng/kaart...
To ensure environmentally friendly disposal of old Christmas trees, Tallinn has opened 83 collection points where residents can drop off their trees free of charge. Trees can also be taken to waste stations or have them picked up by the local waste management service.
The parking charge may be paid via the mobile or buying a parking ticket from a parking meter, or a monthly pass. Parking using a mobile phone Smart...
Today, the new modern building of Maasikas Kindergarten (Vasara 18) was officially opened. The new facility accommodates 240 children in 12 groups, with a total project cost exceeding €9.4 million.