Tallinn City Council Office Home Governance Institutions Tallinn City Council Office Vana-Viru 12, 15080 Tallinn Phone +372 694 3201 Fax: +372 694 3259 Email infopunkt@tallinnlv.ee Registry code 75015031 Office opening hours Mon-Wed 08...
Events Home Events January Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn 2025 Prototron January sTARTUp Day April Innovation Forum May Latitude59 August Estonian Health Tech week...
Death registration Home Service Death registration From 01.07.2019, health care providers (primary care physicians, hospitals, ambulance service providers, etc.) will transmit the death facts in the...
If you have no heating Home If you have no heating CODE OF CONDUCT There should be at least one electrically independent heating appliance in the home that can be used safely indoors, such as a...
Põhja-Tallinn District Administration Home Põhja-Tallinn District Administration Address: Kari tn 13, 10311 Tallinn Phone: 645 7040 E-mail: pohja@tallinnlv.ee Registry code: 75017745 District Elder: Külli Tammur Põhja-Tallinn web...
Service provider card for cyclists and operators of animal-powered vehicles and fun rides Home Service Service provider card for cyclists and operators of animal-powered vehicles and fun rides The service provider card allows the operator to provide a paid transport service. In the Tallinn area, the processing of service provider cards is...
Removal of icicles and maintenance of slippery pavements Home Removal of icicles and maintenance of slippery pavements The Technical Regulatory Authority and the Tallinn City Government remind property or building owners to monitor the amount of snow on their roofs and...
Tallinn Strategic Management Office Home Governance Institutions Tallinn Strategic Management Office General contact Address: Vabaduse väljak 7 15199 Tallinn Phone: +372 640 4218 strateegiakeskus@tallinnlv.ee Registry code: 75023817 The Strategic...
Personal data activities Home Personal data activities Changing the residence address in the Population Register Extractions from the Population Register Issuance of a right of temporary residence to a...