Park Asunduse lies on a green area between the houses of Lasnamäe and Pallasti Street. Since 2003 a 1,5 hectare area has been designed consisting of...
In the 2025/2026 academic year, the City of Tallinn will open classes in five schools transitioning to Estonian-language instruction, specifically for children who speak Estonian at a native level. Admission to these Estonian-language classes will be city-wide, meaning students will not be automatically assigned to these classes. Parents will decide whether to enroll their children in these classes.
The shipyards with the park areas in the middle started to evolve in 1912. Süsta Park is just one greenery that has been preserved till now. The first...
Nõmme Ema Park is located at a crossroads of Jaama and Kõvera Streets. The park is a small park with low hedges in the centre of the Nõmme quarter. A...
Kiige Park is located at 12 Kiige Street, on the crossroads of Õie and Kiige Streets. The park has several walking paths running in the direction of...
Oravamäe Park is located at 145 Pärnu Highway, at the verge of Pärnu Highway and Rulli Street. Oravamäe Park is state‑protected since 2007. Park has...