Tomorrow, September 28, Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day is celebrated at the Viru Conference Centre, both onsite and online. The motto of this year's Entrepreneurship Day is "Waves of Change", focusing on how the economy has transformed over the last two years.
On September 28, Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day is celebrated at the Viru Conference Centre, both onsite and online. The motto of this year's Entrepreneurship Day is "Waves of Change", focusing on how the economy has transformed over the last two years.
From 7 am on Friday, September 24, one lane on Luise Street is closed due to the construction of the heating and water pipelines. Luise Street is completely closed on Friday evening from 7 pm to 11 pm on Sunday, September 26. One lane on Luise Street will be partially closed until the evening of Wednesday, September 29.
Tallinn will become a UNESCO City of Music from 2022, and the development of the Tallinn City Theatre will be the biggest cultural investment in next year's city budget.
During the European Week for Waste Reduction in November, residents of Tallinn donated nearly 3,000 kilograms of household items for recycling. The collection campaign was organised in cooperation between the Re-Use Centre and the City of Tallinn.
A freezing rain warning has been issued for this Friday, which means ice is very likely to form on the streets. In the coming days, property owners need to be conscientious and all road users need to be mindful and consider the weather by choosing the right speeds, distances, tyres and footwear.
Applications for benefits to mitigate the rise in electricity, gas and district heating costs in Tallinn will be accepted from mid-January at the latest.
Tallinn will allocate additional funding to improve access to services for preventing and alleviating mental health problems in the city’s budget next year.
During the last two weekends of October, residents of Tallinn can once again give away hazardous waste free of charge. On October 23, hazardous waste are collected in Kesklinn and Lasnamäe, on October 24 in Kristiine and Põhja-Tallin, on October 30 in Pirita and Mustamäe, and on October 31 in Haabersti and Nõmme.