According to the new waste management plan, Tallinn will expand separate collection of biowaste and textile waste, and turn waste collection stations into circular economy centres.
This week Tallinn hosted the European Green Capital (EGC) Troika network meeting. 14 guests from Lahti and Grenoble visited Tallinn to learn about our plans for the European Green Capital year 2023. There have been regular meetings online, but this was the first time the three cities network met in real life.
This weekend, Tallinners can get involved in a series of community clean-ups and help make the city cleaner as part of the Let's Do It campaign. Helping hands are welcome in Põhja-Tallinn, Haabersti, Kesklinn, Nõmme and Kristiine districts, and activities take place on Friday and Saturday.
The Tallinn European Green Capital 2023 bureau opened an exhibition on Tallinn's biodiversity in Tammsaare Park, which will remain open until the end of May. The exhibition highlights Tallinn's more special and unusual species and their habitats.
Although bulky waste is covered by the organised waste collection scheme and need to be handed over on a separate agreement with your waste collector, Tallinn residents will again be able to drop off bulky waste free of charge at all waste collection stations in Tallinn for a week (9-15 May) as part of Environment Month.
The upcoming Sunday is International Mothers' Day and to celebrate, people can visit a series of concerts in the open air and in concert halls, as well as workshops and fairs taking place in Tallinn.
Tallinn Environment and Public Department cautions road users of rain, sleet and snowfall in the coming week, which will again lead to difficult road conditions.
All four waste stations in Tallinn are open every day from the beginning of April to provide smoother service. The stations switch to summer operation on 1 April, which also means longer opening hours.
All branches of Tallinn City Museum and the museums of Tallinn Literary Centre will once again open their doors for free museum visits this Sunday, 3 April. From this week, the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds Visitor Centre can also be visited free of charge on Tallinn Museum Sundays.
Tallinn City Government decided today to allocate €150,000 from the reserve fund to support Tallinn's partner cities of Kyiv and Odessa in Ukraine. The city government also proposed to the city council to transfer two city-owned ambulances to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, free of charge, for humanitarian aid to Ukraine.