Tallinn City Council adopted new waste management regulations at its Thursday session, one of the aims of which is to switch to reusable cutlery at public events in Tallinn.
Tallinn ice-skating rinks will soon end their season. Lasnamäe, Mustamäe and Nõmme skating rinks will be open until the end of the week. The Old Town skating rink will remain open until the end of the month if the weather conditions allow.
Tallinn City Council decided at today's meeting to change the current trade organization - the trade organization requirements will change for all city authorities and the bodies they manage, including Tallinn’s public markets. A new application for the processing of sales permits will also be created.
The Institute for Quality of Life, located in London, awarded Tallinn with a bronze award, placing Tallinn at 130th place in the 200 Happiest Cities ranking.
Residents’ satisfaction with the selection of cultural events taking place in Tallinn has returned to a level as high as it was before Covid-19 but the opportunities to visit these events as much as wanted is in a downward trend. The most popular cultural events organised by the city are Tallinn Old Town Days and Tallinn Maritime Days.
Today, 2 November at 4pm in Jaan Poska House, Deputy Mayor Tanel Kiik will acknowledge and thank active leaders of apartment associations who have renewed the appearance and security of the courtyards of their apartment buildings or increased the energy efficiency and improved the exterior appearance of their apartment buildings in 2021.
Tallinn’s ice-skating rinks will open on November 19. All townspeople are welcome to join the winter fun. The capital's schools have the opportunity to organize free physical education classes on the ice rinks and there will also be free access to all senior citizens.
Today, the cornerstone was officially laid for the extension of the Tallinn Sports Hall, which will be completed next autumn as an important preparation for 2025, when Tallinn will be the European Capital of Sport.
Tallinn's third draft supplementary budget, which has been sent to the City Council for approval, includes €38 000 to cover the operating costs of the Food Bank, to cover the increased costs of the food distribution points and to provide additional support for the purchase of basic food items in food parcels.