How do we protect your private information? Tallinn City public offices process your personal data primarily to fulfil tasks arising from the law. We...
Särgava Guest House, the former summer residence of K. Wellner, the majority owner of the legendary KaWe chocolate factory, is located in Pirita-Kose...
A well-thought-out business idea that is formalised as a business plan will help you achieve success and is important for investors and other business...
A report by Tallinn’s Internal Audit Service titled “Analysis and Recommendations for Winter Street Maintenance Management” reveals that the previous city administration set unrealistic goals for snow removal and failed to monitor contractors’ compliance with contract terms. The renewed city government and leadership of the Urban Environment and Public Works Department have conducted analyses to improve the situation, which are reflected in the audit, and have developed new measures to enhance winter maintenance quality and transparency. Efforts to improve oversight and snow removal quality are ongoing.
In 2025, the City of Tallinn will implement a dedicated development cooperation program for Ukrainian cities for the first time. The program includes both humanitarian aid and specific cooperation projects aimed at assisting Ukrainian municipalities in preparing for European Union membership and addressing key areas such as waste management.