The Tallinn City Council, in an extraordinary session last week, unequivocally condemned the Russian Federation's military aggression against Ukraine and expressed its support for the Ukrainian people. In addition, cooperation with Russian municipalities will be terminated. The appeal was supported by all the political groups represented in the city council.
Last Sunday, Tallinn started the tradition of Museum Sundays, with free admission to city-owned museums on the first Sunday of every month. Interest in free museum visits was higher than expected on the opening Sunday in all museums.
A system of free distribution of clothes and other necessary items to Ukrainian war refugees was launched today in cooperation between the city and the Reuse Centre in Lasnamäe Uuskasuteskeskus shop at Punane Street 50. To receive the items free of charge, a war refugee needs to validate the Tallinn smartcard at the shop's cash desk together with an identity document.
During the snowiest winter in a decade, nearly 595,200 cubic metres or 39,680 truckloads of snow were removed from Tallinn. The city spent a total of nearly €4.3 million to remove snow from roads and streets in the 2021/22 season.
Due to the high prevalence of viral diseases among drivers and logisticians, the emptying of waste containers in Tallinn may be delayed by a few days compared to the normal schedule.
In order to mitigate the effects of the crisis, the City Government decided to continue an 80% rent reduction for caterers, retail and service businesses and nightclub owners operating on the city's commercial property until the end of April
According to a recent publication by the European Environment Agency, Tallinn ranks in the top ten of European capitals in terms of the extent of green infrastructure. Tallinn is positioned seventh in terms of urban green space and eighth in terms of urban tree cover. The study highlights the Garden for the Senses in Tallinn Botanical Garden as a good example for improving accessibility to urban nature.
The City of Tallinn will support youth sport with €6.6 million this year, nearly half a million more than last year. The amount of participant support for trainees and trainers will increase from €200 to €220.