Tallinn’s business tourism website, visittallinn.ee/professional features a new page “ Practical resources ”, which gives event professionals lots of...
Tallinn celebrates the arrival of Chinese New Year on Friday, February 12 at Vabaduse Square and Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. New Year's celebrations include dance, drum and light performances, fire sculptures, demonstrations of oriental martial arts, and the traditional fireworks display. Spectators are welcome to Vabaduse Square from 1 pm, the program at the Song Festival Grounds starts at 4 pm.
The idea-gathering of the first participatory budget in Tallinn was very successful, more than 5 percent of the citizens with the right to vote participated in the referendum to choose between the ideas proposed by Tallinners.
For the first time, the city of Tallinn will participate in the EXPO 2020 world exhibition in the Estonian pavilion, which, postponed due to the pandemic, will open its doors to visitors in October this year.
From this week, a collection campaign for old Christmas trees started in the districts of Tallinn, in which residents can take their trees to collection points free of charge. Depending on the district, the campaign will last until January 25, after which the fir trees will be taken to the Tallinn Utilitas cogeneration plant, where they will turn into green electricity and heat.
The Tallinn City Government has assigned the name of Ukraine Square to the so far unnamed square in Lembitu Park in the Sibulaküla subdistrict of Tallinn city centre.
Over the last two weekends of May, a total of 1,444 residents of Tallinn handed over altogether 26.5 tonnes of hazardous waste in the collection campaign, and 1.5 tonnes of reusable items were donated for recycling.
The Tallinn City Government decided during today’s meeting that seven locations in Old Town will be leased out to Ringo Eco OÜ, a business specialising in green technology. The aim of this cooperation is to conduct a month-long pilot project to test the collection of reusable packaging in Old Town.