Tallinn arendab lähiaastatel ühistransporti ja linnaruumi. Üks suur projekt on Pelguranna uus trammiliin, mis parandab kohalike elanike liikumisvõimalusi ja aitab kaasa keskkonnasõbraliku linnaruumi arengule.
In accordance with the Waste Act , the Tallinn Waste Management Plan 2022-2026 and the Tallinn Waste Management Regulations , waste must be collected...
A gem of Estonian functionalist architecture, the historic villa designed by Olev Siinmaa, hides in a quiet courtyard at Roosikrantsi 4b in the city...
NB! Currently important: The new development strategy "Tallinn 2035" has been adopted in December 2020. The development strategy is published in a web...
The Tallinn Property Department is proposing the initiation of a new detailed plan for Linnahall and its surrounding area to develop the site into a modern event venue and open the city to the sea, in line with the goals of the maritime vision and the broader development of the port area.
The first 15 minutes of parking is free of charge, if the driver is using a parking clock or written notice fixing the starting time – placed visibly...
From March 1 to March 15, parents in Tallinn can submit applications for their child to be assigned a municipal school based on their registered home address for first grade starting on September 1, 2025.