Government of Tallinn corporate telephone directory (Find city officials by name or through administration structure) City Office service bureau - 640...
When choosing a school, please note: the distance of the school from your home and the necessary commuting time safety of the route to school type of...
General contact : Estonia pst. 5a, 10143 Tallinn Tel: +372 640 4590 E-mail: Contacts of officials Head of Department: Kaarel...
In 2024, Tallinn made significant strides in public transport with strategic decisions such as a complete renewal of the trolleybus fleet with battery-powered trolleys and signing a 10-year contract with Tallinna Linnatransport AS to ensure the long-term stability and development of the city’s public transport system. This year also saw the completion of the second phase of the public transport network modernization and the redirection of tram line no. 2 through the Old City Harbour.