The webpage of the Energy Agency of Tallinn Home The webpage of the Energy Agency of Tallinn The Energy Agency of Tallinn has ceased to exist as of December 31st 2020. Since January 1st 2021, planning and development of energy efficiency and...
Tallinn real estate market Home Business guide Accommodation for your business Tallinn real estate market More information about market overviews can be found on Uus Maa Real Estate Bureau and City24 Buildings and rooms There are no restrictions for the...
Protect yourself and your loved ones during a heatwave Home Protect yourself and your loved ones during a heatwave Hot weather (over 25°C) increases the risk of heatstroke, which primarily affects the elderly, young children, people with chronic illnesses, and...
Guidelines for the restoration of buildings in scenic districts Home Heritage protection and scenic districts Scenic districts Guidelines for the restoration of buildings in scenic districts In order to value and preserve built heritage, general guidelines and conditions have been imposed that are specified based on the building’s...
About Home About The Energy Agency of Tallinn was founded by Tallinn City Councel 15 November 2012. The Agency is since January 2013 dealing with energy saving and...
Social benefits and services for older adults Home Services Health and Social Welfare Social benefits and services for older adults Have you reached retirement age or need daily support and help? Tallinn offers various services and benefits to older adults, such as discounts on...
Erasmus+ projects Home Projects Erasmus+ for students Erasmus+ projects Place to Create (PACT) the youtube channel
Põhja-Tallinn District Administration Home Põhja-Tallinn District Administration Address: Kari tn 13, 10311 Tallinn Phone: 645 7040 E-mail: Registry code: 75017745 District Elder: Külli Tammur Põhja-Tallinn web...