The City of Tallinn is continuing with the preparations for the Tallinn Hospital project based on the current refinancing agreement between Estonia and the European Commission and the schedule set by the agreement.
Residents’ satisfaction with the selection of cultural events taking place in Tallinn has returned to a level as high as it was before Covid-19 but the opportunities to visit these events as much as wanted is in a downward trend. The most popular cultural events organised by the city are Tallinn Old Town Days and Tallinn Maritime Days.
Tallinn City Government sent a draft of a regulation to the City Council’s hearing today that would clarify the calculation process of the income-based benefit and which income sources are included.
The application round for the Tallinnovation competition, organised jointly by the City of Tallinn and the science and business campus Tehnopol, began this week. The competition’s goal is to discover smart city solutions that can make the city’s services and environment more comfortable for both residents and visitors. This is the second year that a total of up to 100,000 euros will be invested into smart city solutions.
At the start of this year's school year, in addition to the €320 allowance for children entering the first grade, the City of Tallinn will also pay all primary, secondary and vocational school pupils a €50 allowance to start the school year - applications for the school allowance can be submitted until 30 November
Voting for Tallinn's participatory budget has started today, with everyone in Tallinn aged 14 or over able to vote for up to two ideas of their choice in their neighborhood.
Of the total operating expenditure in Tallinn's 2023 budget, social welfare and health will account for 10.9 percent, or €97.7 million. The main objective is to ensure the availability of needs-based social welfare services, the well-being of families with children, the elderly and people with special needs, and to assist citizens in difficulty. More consideration will be brought to mental health care.
As of Tuesday, 5,703 residents of Tallinn had participated in the vote on the ideas for Tallinn's 2023 participatory budget, and a sufficient number of residents in Põhja-Tallinn have participated for the results to be considered valid. Residents can view all the ideas and vote for their favorites until 4 December on the website
Tallinn has announced a new international design tender for the Tallinn Hospital, the largest hospital complex in Estonia. The deadline for submissions is October 22.