The Tallinn Strategic Management Office is seeking a partner to carry out a street space study for tramways, which would provide a basis for considering the possibility of extending the tramway network.
From Sunday 26 December, free rapid antigen testing is provided at the vaccination, counselling and testing centre in Tallinn's Vabaduse Square. The service is intended as an additional preventive measure to reduce the risks of infection before meeting elderly people or people at high risk.
During the Christmas period, 24-26 December, public transport in Tallinn will operate on Sunday timetables, and on New Year's Eve the last buses and trams will leave the city centre at 3am.
Tallinn's transport priorities for the coming year are to increase public transport drivers' salaries, introduce 150 new gas buses as well as to carry out preparations for the renewal of the public transport network and the tender for eight new trams.
In the field of enterprise, Tallinn's 2022 budget will fund smart city projects and support the green transition process, including the creation of a circular economy centre for advising businesses.
From Monday, March 1 until the end of the month, Tallinn city institutions will work according to the red scenario of internal work organization to limit the spread of Covid-19. This means that the city continues to provide all services to clients, but minimizes contacts between employees.
Construction work for the construction of Tondiraba Park in Lasnamäe will start in March. The park will become the largest recreation area in the capital, which will provide plenty of space for both people and nature.