Maintenance of historical parks
Ensuring of maintenance of historical parks and finding of doers. The service covers Kadrioru park, the green area in Harju street, Kalamaja cemetary...
Health care
Emergency number – 112 Tallinn Helpline – 14410 Other important telephone numbers Tallinn Emergency Medical Service Tallinna Emergency Medical Service...
Smart City Center
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
Donation account
We are very grateful, if you want to help the kindergarten and our children. If you wish, you have the opportunity to make a donation. Payee: Tallinna...
Applications for restoration grants open next week
From 5 February to 16 March, property owners can apply for restoration grants from the Tallinn Urban Planning Department. The grant is available to owners of architecturally valuable buildings, monuments, structures located in heritage or conservation areas, and individual objects of cultural value. An informational session will be held next week to provide further details.
City of Tallinn Supports the Estonian Maritime Cluster with a new seminar series
The Estonian Maritime Cluster has received funding from the City of Tallinn to launch a new seminar series, "Maritime Mornings." This support highlights the importance of the maritime sector and helps raise awareness of its challenges and opportunities.
Tallinn Strategic Management Office Statutes
REGULATION 10.12.2020 no. 25 Tallinn Strategic Management Office Statutes The statutes are enforced pursuant to clause 22 (1) 34) of the Local...
Public sports fields of Põhja-Tallinn district
Ball game courts Ristiku Basic School basketball court Ristiku 69 Contact Ristiku Basic School to inquire about the availability of the court Stroomi...
Primary healthcare for residents of Tallinn not covered by Estonia's health insurance
Due to the AS Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla Kopli polyclinic being closed for renovations, general practitioner and surgeon outpatient receptions for...