Benefit for keeping guide dogs for people with visual impairments. This year, the aid is 165 euros quarterly. You have the right to receive the aid if...
Here you can find sports clubs in Tallinn that organise training sessions for children and young people aged 7-19 and receive a sports grant from the...
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
A report by Tallinn’s Internal Audit Service titled “Analysis and Recommendations for Winter Street Maintenance Management” reveals that the previous city administration set unrealistic goals for snow removal and failed to monitor contractors’ compliance with contract terms. The renewed city government and leadership of the Urban Environment and Public Works Department have conducted analyses to improve the situation, which are reflected in the audit, and have developed new measures to enhance winter maintenance quality and transparency. Efforts to improve oversight and snow removal quality are ongoing.
An apartment association can apply for a grant for increasing apartment building energy efficiency and for improving the facade. The grant can cover...