On this page you will find services and benefits provided by the City of Tallinn to children and families with children. The main goal of the support...
This spring several districts host a series of workshops on the ‘FUTURE OF TALLINN 2021+’ to involve active citizens in the process of designing the...
The changes will be implemented from 21 October. Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the...
The Tallinn Rental Committee settles disputes arising from tenancy agreements. The rental committee settles disputes that have arisen from tenancy in...
Chernobyl veterans living in Tallinn can benefit from three services per calendar year at the city's expense: rehabilitation treatment up to 250 euros...
Notification of water supply and sewerage prices. The following companies offer the service in Tallinn: Tallinna Vesi, AS Esmar Ehitus, Tehnovõrkude...