People who are struggling due to low or no income are eligible for food aid. There are many options to receive food aid: European Union ESF + food aid...
The park is located between Pirita, Saare, Kose and Rummu Roads and originates not from a summer mansion but the Lulepa farm which belonged to Peeter...
Official information on vaccination in Estonia on website If you suspect that you may have COVID-19 If you have any symptoms, stay...
Spatial planning procedures and timelines Abb: DP - detailed plan for a project DUP - Department of Urban Planning EXECUTIVE BODY PROCEDURE DURATION...
Tallinn Kindergarten Sipsik was opened on in 2004 and is situated in the centre of Tallinn on P. Süda street. The kindergarten got it´s name by book...
Organization and supervision of the inspection of documents certifying the right to use public transport. If sentenced with misdemeanor with a penalty...