Management of port structures Home Service Management of port structures Oganisation of the management of port buildings and bank reinforcements.
Modern pentathlon Home Service Modern pentathlon Provision ofmodern pentathlon to children, young people and adults
Official notices Home Service Official notices Official notices are made available on Tallinn's website and in newspapers.
City-wide events promoting healthiness Home Service City-wide events promoting healthiness Organisation of city-wide events to health care professionals and to the population.
Maintenance of city forests Home Service Maintenance of city forests Organisation of the maintenance of municipal forests and planning of forest regeneration.
Rain water sewerage construction Home Service Rain water sewerage construction Organisation of the design, construction and usage of rain water sewerage.
Paul Keres Chess House Home Service Paul Keres Chess House Checkers, chess, and renju. More technical information Eesti spordiregistris .
Construction of public playgrounds Home Service Construction of public playgrounds Planning and construction of new playgrounds. Locations of existing public playgrounds.
Wireless Internet Home Service Wireless Internet Establishement of Wi-Fi areas and notifications concerning the locations on Tallinn's webpage. .