Today, Tallinn signed a design contract worth 17.8 million euros with a representative of the Italian companies ATIproject srl and 3TI Progetti, which won the design procurement for Tallinn Hospital.
Two tenders were submitted for the Tallinn public procurement to find a designer for the Pollinator Highway linear park on the section between Ristiku Street and Kolde Boulevard.
On Saturday and Sunday, 4-5 September, Tallinn celebrates the beginning of the Green Mobility Month and holds an event “Green Journey in the Heart of the City”, which will take place on Estonia puiestee and Tammsaare Park to raise awareness about green mobility and encourage sustainable means of transport.
Today, September 9, Tallinn received a high recognition from the European Commission - the title European Green Capital 2023. The winner of the competition was announced in Lahti, Finland – the current bearer of the title.
Tallinn has dedicated the month of September to green and sustainable mobility. Also in September, from 16 to 22, the European Mobility Week is held, which focuses on the theme ‘Move Sustainably. Stay Healthy’.
Until September 30, the exhibition „Mixed plants in community plots / Kogukondlik Tootsi peenar" is open in Solaris Centre, aiming to introduce the increasingly popular community horticulture and its positive impact on both people and urban nature. You can also take part in a microgreens workshop and a guided tour with the curator.
For the second year in a row, Tallinn celebrates Baltic Sea Day that is held on August 26. Marine and environmental specialists as well as all townspeople are welcome to the events of the thematic day dedicated to the wellbeing of the Baltic Sea.
Today, the Mayor of Tallinn, Mihhail Kõlvart, and the Mayor of Tartu, Urmas Klaas, signed a cooperation agreement to facilitate the co-operation between the European Green Capital 2023 Tallinn and the European Capital of Culture 2024 Tartu for mutual advantage.
At the European Commission's high-level hybrid ceremony of signing the Green City Accord, city leaders from across Europe reaffirmed their commitment to sustainable urban development. The main principle of the Green City Accord is to accelerate green transition in the EU cities.
Today, the cornerstone was laid for Tallinn Zoo's new exhibition building called Cloud Forest (Pilvemets), which will provide a unique experience of the tropical ecosystem of Southeast Asia.