Dentists in Tallinn (contact information for dental clinics) Read more: Contractual partners – contractual partners of dentists on the webpage of the...
As of May 1, 2024, Tallinn updated its procedure for allocating municipal housing to ensure that housing is provided to those who need it most within a reasonable timeframe. Municipal housing is a temporary support measure designed to assist residents and their families facing difficulties for a specific period.
Tallinn has launched a program offering free educational excursions for school classes and kindergarten groups to city cultural institutions. Each group is eligible for one free visit per year. The initiative aims to expand access to cultural life for children and young people in Tallinn and is available to all local kindergartens, general education schools, and vocational schools.
The Tallinn Municipal Police Department supervises unkempt pavements, slippery roads and hazardous icicles. Contact the Tallinn helpline on 14410 or...
You can find the requirements and obligations of bike taxi drivers here. You can also learn about the requirements for bicycles that can provide bike...