Today, November 28, an extraordinary sight greeted visitors at Freedom Square as two bookmobiles appeared side by side. Tallinn Central Library, now rebranded as Tallinna Raamatukogud (Tallinn Libraries), officially retired its beloved bookmobile, Katariina Jee, after nearly 17 years of service. At the same event, the library introduced its modern successor bearing the same name, which will continue to deliver mobile library services to the city’s residents.
In 2025, Tallinn’s property management priorities will focus on improving the energy efficiency of apartment buildings and enhancing municipal properties. The city’s budget allocates €45.5 million for operational costs and €22.6 million for investments in this sector.
Merilin Varsamaa, who leads Tehnopol’s HealthTech ecosystem, recently returned from a week-long visit to Singapore, marking a significant milestone in fostering cross-border collaboration between Estonia and Singapore in the field of health technology. The visit laid the foundation for a partnership that promises to unlock immense HealthTech potential for innovation and growth in both countries.
The green wave implemented on Liivalaia Street in early October has made traffic flow more smoothly for vehicles while maintaining full pedestrian crossings. Control tests conducted this week confirmed the effectiveness of the system as predicted.
Below is an overview of Tallinn’s scenic areas by district. The descriptions of each scenic area include a map of the area showing the borders of the...
One of the main objectives for Tallinn city budget for 2022 is a comfortable and safe urban space, which includes investment in cycle paths and making streets more pedestrian-friendly. Two new green corridors will also be launched.
Applications for benefits to mitigate the rise in electricity, gas and district heating costs in Tallinn will be accepted from mid-January at the latest.