COVID-19 information in Tallinn Home Services Health and Social Welfare COVID-19 information in Tallinn Information related to vaccination can be found on the website 24/7 Crisis Hotline 1247 Select topic: Coronavirus restrictions...
Business Development Department Home Business Development Department Development of services tailored for entrepreneurs and investors - Implementation and maintenance of informative web page for entrepreneur and...
Mai (May) Park Home Mai (May) Park Mai Park is located at 1 Mai Street. Several walking paths and a children’s playground have been constructed in the park. It is surrounded by the...
Installation of street signs and information boards Home Service Installation of street signs and information boards Organisation of the installation and maintenance of signs with street names and information signs with reference funtion.
Maintenance of beach equipment Home Service Maintenance of beach equipment Organisation of the installation and maintenance of beach equipment by districts in Tallin n beaches (Pirita, Stroomi, Pikakari, Kakumäe, Harku).
Cycle track establishment Home Service Cycle track establishment Determining of the locations of cycle tracks and finding constructors. Bicycle Roads Web map can be found here.
Claim submission Home Service Claim submission Compensating for damage caused by a road or structure owned by the City of Tallinn not being compliant with requirements.
Electoral Committee of the City of Tallinn Home Electoral Committee of the City of Tallinn Address: Vabaduse väljak 7 (room 415), 15199 Tallinn Phone numbers: +372 640 4497, +372 640 4175 E-mail: Opening hours: on weekdays 9...
Tallinn city business environment aid measures to mitigate the negative impact of the state of emergency Home Tallinn city business environment aid measures to mitigate the negative impact of the state of emergency Description of aid measures Implementing time 1. MEASURE 1: relaxing payment conditions – the city pays for the received services and goods within 10...